Mars Pascarella Space-Dedicated Space! Jupiter
Greetings from Meriden, CT
DMS Latitude: 41° 32' 47.8176'' N, DMS Longitude: 72° 47' 21.2280'' W
Latitude: 41.546616, Longitude: -72.789230

Latitude and Longitude Coordinates Conversion Tool
Today's Date: 07/27/2024 04:50:17
Universal Time: 07/27/2024 08:50:17


Discovered by Edmond Halley in 1714.

M13, also called the 'Great globular cluster in Hercules', is one of the most prominent and best known globulars of the Northern celestial hemisphere. It was discovered by Edmond Halley in 1714, who noted that "it shows itself to the naked eye when the sky is serene and the Moon absent."

At its distance of 25,100 light years, its angular diameter of 20' corresponds to a linear 145 light years - visually, it is perhaps 13' large. It contains several 100,000 stars.

Click on images for high resolution (opens new browser)

Taken on 8/1/2008

Orion ED80
Hap Griffin modified Rebel XT 350D
30 - 90 second exposures
ISO 800
Stacked with DeepSkyStacker
Processed with PhotoShop CS

Copyright © 2008 – Antonio Pascarella
Taken on 7/25/2008

Orion ED80
Hap Griffin modified Rebel XT 350D
20 - 60 second exposures
ISO 800
Stacked with DeepSkyStacker
Processed with PhotoShop CS

Copyright © 2008 – Antonio Pascarella
Taken on 7/6/07 with an Unmodified Canon Rebel XT
20 - 30 seconds exposures
ISO 800
Stacked with DeepSkyStacker
Processed with Photoshop CS
No darks/flats/bias images were applied

Copyright © 2007 – Antonio Pascarella


The night sky in the World
Come, ask, and feel part of a great family of people that believe and dream of a celestial life among the stars!
Antonio Pascarella - Member of the
National Space Society and
Proud Distributor of Celestis, Inc., - Memorial Spaceflights

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